


















“By , our is one that !

“By and them, we can and our limit.”

Chen out a smile. “That is why I said that our as , our and our … they are a !

“I that it would be for the best to not let any ones or find out about all these!

“… our will the wrath of both ones and !

“Even if we did not take the to go kill or the other ones, our of alone would the and !

“So… , the three of us are the only .

“That makes our one that must be kept.

“That is also why I to talk with just the two of you while away Lun Tai and Bei Tai.

“ the two are good … they are still ones.

“I am not sure if they will view us as or not if they were to find out about our .”

Qiao Qiao was for a . “Your words are , have not the to harm , lack not the to .

“Lun Tai and Bei Tai… we this from them first.”

After that, Qiao Qiao . “This … the of our and that of other ones, are there any other who knows about it?”

Chen and shook his head. “At , none. The only worry I have…”

Qiao Qiao’s eyes and she to utter out a name:

“Han Bi!”

Chen . “Back then, Han Bi was with us, that is why… even I have never told him about it, I that I did not by . There have been a few times where I had Han Bi help me what is the . Even I did not it to him, he will have his .

“, there is also Xia . I had asked of him to help me items from the .”

“These are ,” Qiao Qiao . “In the case of , once a leak , clues about it will leak out bit by bit until all the of the .

“If the our and gets out, it would the and of some . When that , the of our that much !

“In ’s case, he is still with us. We can this and find ways to it.

“But… Han Bi! He is no our sight!”

GOR 95: Miao Yan

GOR 95: Miao Yan

Chen shook his head. “Han Bi is not who will blab. … we are up.”

Qiao Qiao and a smile. “ you are right. , I think that after we from Japan, we go find Han Bi. Find him and… clear it with him. It would be for the best if we could ask him to come into our guild.”

Chen his brows. “Isn’t that too hard? I also want to find Han Bi, it is not due me him.”

Qiao Qiao for a . “My often this quote: Those who dwell in , have no over . I know that doing this would cause you to feel . But, you must , you are now a Guild . You are for not just your own self. This does not only you, there is also me and Soo Soo… in the , it may also Roddy.

“, I am aware of the you and Han Bi. But, me, Soo Soo and Roddy have no such with Han Bi.

“I will be , I do not trust him.

“You can say that I am being , you can also say that I am being .

“I heard that when you took the to the decoy in the of Qin Shi Huang, he did not stop you.

“That was bad as it is.

“You Soo Soo to him but he ended up her on the way.

“I do not care what the is, from my , he is not I can trust.”

Chen felt a in his heart and was for a few . “All right, let us not talk about this first. We will on this once we from Japan.”

At that , the chef with a stern who was the had a dish. He a plate over and bowed using to speak out: “Thin cut belly meat of tuna, enjoy!”

Qiao Qiao broke into a smile and Chen a pair of . “All right, our is more .”

The chef took out a of and it. He then the sauce them. Chen up a piece of fish meat and it it into his mouth. , he felt a his mouth. The meat was fine and , to be of any of .

After it twice, he it and as he to Qiao Qiao. “Why is it from the that I eat?”

Qiao Qiao . “You only eat . This is tuna; , it is also the best part, the belly area. That one slice you just ate is worth as much as a plate of .”

“As , a has many . Will you be and me?”

That was meant as a joke, but it Qiao Qiao to sigh. She said. “I feel that no what I do, I will still owe you. Back then, you have saved Soo Soo a of times. Now, you have taken on all the upon . , what we spoke about on the roof . Allow me to carry the with you, all right?”

, Qiao Qiao her voice. “About Han Bi’s , I know that you will be about it. Let me that . If there is a need to be , I am to that .”

After their there, no words came out and once more.

Soo Soo who was ate a few of fish and at Chen and Qiao Qiao with eyes. She . “Unnie, what are you about? Why do you keep about I do not ?”

Chen his face and Soo Soo’s hair. “All right then, we will talk about else.”

“Can we go to ?” Soo Soo’s eyes and her face with .

Chen let out a smile while Qiao Qiao’s gaze and she said in a low tone. “Soo Soo, we have to do . As for going to , let us leave it for time, all right?”

out of Soo Soo’s eyes. , she did her best to put on a smile. “OK, I . I will to unnie.”

At that in time, Soo Soo’s gaze the of the area and she out. “Ah! Qiao Qiao unnie, hurry up and look! That unnie looks like you!”

that, Chen and Qiao Qiao to look.

Two males and one in the of the area.

The two men were who wore old- suit. One of them was old while the other young. They a and the of .

them was a woman in black.

This woman has a , a pair of eyes and clear, looks – In terms of , she was not to Qiao Qiao at all.

, the that Soo Soo she has was not made .

The young woman long, black hair and a lofty . Her eyes . As she , she an that .

This held to Qiao Qiao’s back when Chen had first met her.

Qiao Qiao no , Chen a huge in when he sight of that young woman!

“Young Miss, they said that this area have been for use.”

The older -aged man stood , his hair grey, and he a . He bent his head down the young woman, as he spoke in a low tone.



