















is the owner of , and asks to catch the that has into else's trap, is to death: as a eagle by the , it is that it carry out every of its , and has no right to go the will of its 。 But as a eagle, felt that he could not steal other 's prey with a clear 。 is in a : if he does what says, he will a thief who , and his will be hurt, and if he does not go, it will the will of the , which is not good, and it will the with the , and 's life will not be in the 。

and self-, chose self-, and would not be by his than lose his 。 I was by its , but there are many among us who their : the Anti- War, so many , they were by money, their was by money, and they did ugly that the and the ! And now there are some big , who are by money and sex, and lose their in for ! There are also those and who take and other 's for their , and their makes vomit! I hope that who hurt for their will wake up as soon as ! is the most !

is a for a job that sells one's soul to harm one's own kind。 At this time, did not catch for , which , sold him to a new owner named "Horse " and began a life。 The "horse " let be a trap, lured his , and let the "horse " take him away, and for this, also lost his dear wife。 was with grief and vowed never to do such a again。

Only a wild and a would do such a thing to kill their own kind。 And he is a eagle, the eagle has been above board, hated all forms and of , in order not to let his , in order not to let his own kind be , he would not eat or drink, to his 。 is truly great! He would than his and sell his soul。 I it! is like a hero in our lives, for ! We need that !

In the words of , the life of the eagle is like being in the of hell, and the life of the eagle is like being in . The task of the eagle is to train the . At this time, was sold to the eagle farm by the "horse " and was kept in a cage the size of four or five . The days were , and felt very happy, until a eagle named came, and 's views . , the bird was in the sky, and Hua was in this big cage, and he to go out too much and was to death. that the sky is where he , , the first time at the cost of being cut off.



