周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘 教你生辰八字论命的步骤

周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘 教你生辰八字论命的步骤

The of our study of the Eight is to spy on the good and bad luck of fate, in order to good luck and avoid bad luck. In the long , Bazi Lun Fate has a set of .


Then how to read the , the of will teach you the steps to use the birth date .

Teach you the steps of the birth date

1、Male life (Dan Zao) and life (Kun Zao) are to fate

When in the date of birth, it be . of male and , the fate of male and will be .

2、 四柱 of stems and (can be done by )

(1)The of the year

stem : what is the , just move the of by Xin to get the sky stem.

(2)The of the moon

The and end of each month are to the -four solar terms. The of is the of and the end of is .

A's year C is the head, and Yi Geng's year E is the head.

's age is above Xun Geng, and Ding flows along the water.

If you want to ask where Wugui , the top of is good to .

(3)The of the daily bar

A leap year and an year, the one that is by 4 is a run year, and the are years.

: [(A.D. year-1)×5+(A.D.year-1)÷4+ day]÷60, take the ÷ 10, and the as the ; the ÷ 12, the is used as the of the earth .

(4)Hour bar

A has the first stage, and has made the first stage.

from Wuzi,Ding周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘 教你生辰八字论命的步骤,

Wugui row Renzi, this is the time to .

It means that the stem of the sun is Jia, then the time of Zi is Jiazi, the sun is C, and the time of Zi is Wuzi.

3、Refer to "The Ten Gods of the Stems and "

with the daily stems四柱 stems and the ten gods.

4、 to the month, day and time of birth, check the entry of that month

the of days apart to the depth of the , so as to know the gas of the : gas, gas, or gas. Then the daily with the , and and match the ten gods of the .

5、 and dying

Use the year and the sun to the of the empty and dead in the ten-day , and then the 四柱 meet.

6、Watch the 12th in Japan

Based on daily dry 四柱land . Refer to the "Daily Table". To know that the of each are and .

7、Let's see which gods and evil you bring

The daily stem, the , the , the daily , or other gods and gods are used to match the gods and gods, , as for .

8、Look at the stems and



to四柱 the yin and yang of the stem and the , and the five , the of Gan,Gan Sheng周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘 教你生辰八字论命的步骤, Gan Ke,as well as the three of the周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘, Sanhe, semi-sanhe, Liuhe, , , and , harm, self- , etc.

9、Look at the stems and of years

Take the year of birth as one year, them in order, and mark them in the " Empty and Stems and Table" for easy .

10、 the eight-

to the fate of the five and ten gods , first the , it is ? If you enter the grid, you can the to the . If not , the daily will be with the :

(1)Take the frame of the moon to the stem.

(2) the depth of the of stems.

11、Look at the of the

to the or of the Qi of the yin and yang of the five of the 四柱 , and the of the , it is to the and of the sun.

12、 to the gods and

(1) table of and use of .

(2) table.

(3)The uses the god and good and evil luck chart.

to the , the of the sun, the of the ten gods, and the of qi, the ten gods that are the most for the hit as the gods, and the joys, , and idle gods , and think that the good and bad luck of the year is the basis of luck .

13、Life , Fetal Yuan, Yuan

The ring of , don't take it .

(1)Fetal Yuan: The month of , based on the stem of the lunar . The lunar stem one place, and the stem three , and the stem stems are .

(2): the stems and of the Sun as the , the stems and that are with the stems and of the Sun (the five- and the six-), it is the .

(3)Life : Take the birth month and birth time.


It is into male and , and the year is dry and yin and yang, on the and

(1)Male male and : , the month, day and hour of birth from the next after the date of birth.

(2)Yin male and : luck, the month, day, and hour of birth are used to the time the date of birth.

(3)The month, day, and hour of birth are the same as the time of the entry, of , of the year of yin and yang.


Based on the stem and of the lunar .

(1) : male male and , the first is the stem of the moon , and then it is in order to the .

(2): yin and yang, the first is the one above the stem of the lunar , and then to the in order.

16、Small luck

Young will be given a minor they hand in the .

(1)Based on the stem and of the time .

Yang male and yin : go in the right , the next one of the stems of the time will be the stems of the one-year-old , and they will be in until the end of the Grand Canal.

Yin male and yang : , the upper stem of the time is the stem of the one-year-old minor , and the line is to the end of the grand canal.

(2)The stem of the year is the stem of the one-year-old small .


Yang, male and yin, , in order, and the is the age of two.


Yin male and , the row is , and the one above the stem of the year is two years old.

(3) to the stems and of the year, of , or yin and yang, the stems and of the year are all used as the for small luck.

17、The of for the Year of the Year

() to the of the life , the are .

(2) the with the daily stems, fill in the , and the ten gods of the . the stems of each with the daily stems, and fill in the ten gods of the stems.

(3)Take the year as the 1-year-old , and rank the age to the until the age of 60.

(4) the age under the of the stems, the stems of the years, the stems of the fate 四柱, and the gods and evils, to good and bad luck.

of the of the eight- of life

1、Bazi on and

to the fate, the five are , and weak, and too weak (refer to the of Qi in the five ) to the and . In , yin and yang, the five and the use of gods can be used to infer .

2、Bazi is for a

The five that you like to use and the use of God are the most .

3、The Eight on

to the of Qi in the five of the life, to know that the five that are too and , in to the of the line, the of is also easy to from疾病。 Daily stems and daily are to gram, , and , and the parts by their stems and are also to . If there is a heavy or a weak , it is also easy to from .

4、The and four of the eight-

from the five of God.

5、The Eight- Be About the Age

Sui Yun Chong with the gods, or uses the god's , and those who sit in the tomb of death must never bathe; or the of the the of the year and the moon; are all for a of time and be with .


(1) the , the luck of the year is the god, but the male the wife star, and the the star in .

(2)Life , , , God and seals to meet Lu. or is and in the life , dry or dry with daily dry or , ward Daily is a joy to use God.

(3) , the year is a joy to use God, and every three and eight seats are on duty.

(4) has a god, , no , the five are , not mixed. The more the above are, the more to a .

7、The Eight on

Early , the and wife star is dry and . The star of the Great Luck, or the of the stem and of the year of luck and the stem of the sun , the of the star, is even more to get .

8、The Eight on

The Lord of the Sun is and , and the luck of the year with the of the star. In , the three , or the three, the semi-three, the six,the and the five the周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘,or the star can get rich. is . The sun is weak周易免费算命生辰八字四柱排盘, and the luck of the year is than the . The more the , the .

9、The Eight on Six

To the ten gods of the six , 四柱 the gods who sit below, the , and the stems and of the six .

10、The Eight- Good and Bad Times

to the fate of the five , the and of the ten gods, the , the power of the gods, the unity, and the of they are or not. can start from , and then talk about and , from the known past , the , and .



